eCos/RedBoot for PlayStation 2 Release Notes YAEGASHI Takeshi What is this? ============= eCos is an open source OS for embedded systems, and RedBoot is a debug and bootstrap system running on eCos. Both are developed by Red Hat, Inc. For more information, see the eCos home page: eCos/RedBoot for PS2 is capable of running an arbitrary program on PS2 after downloading via Ethernet from your developing server host, which enables you to shorten the turn-around-time for developing and testing cycle. eCos/RedBoot for PS2 runs on PS2 Runtime Envirnment in PS2 Linux kit released from Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Note that PS2 Linux kit is currently beta and available only in Japan. Status of Devices and Features ============================== Supported: - GS framebuffer console (only for diagnostic output) - 10/100Mbps SMAP Ethernet (built in the HDD unit) - Networking support Need to be supported: - Some important eCos HAL features (interrupt, DMA, etc.) - Preserving configuration more easily - USB devices (keyboard for the console, Ethernet, etc.) - HDD device and filesystem support Sources ======= The patch against eCos's current devlopment CVS tree are available. To build eCos/RedBoot binary you need the mipsEEel-linux toolchain from PS2 Linux kit and the custom non-pic libgcc.a. Detailed instruction is not available yet. How to Boot and Use eCos/RedBoot ================================ Before everything you should have done with setting up proper BOOTP(ISC dhcpd is recommended) and TFTP servers on the network. After that, boot PS2 Linux. Mount your memory card and copy redboot.elf into it. # mount /mnt/mc00 # cp redboot.elf /mnt/mc00 Edit p2lboot.cnf and add an entry for redboot.elf. # vi /mnt/mc00/p2lboot.cnf # cat /mnt/mc00/p2lboot.cnf "redboot" redboot.elf "" 203 /dev/hda1 "" RedBoot on Memory Card "vmlinux" vmlinux "" 203 /dev/hda1 "" vmlinux on Memory Card Then reboot the system. You can boot eCos/RedBoot by selecting redboot from the bootloader's menu. After RedBoot's booting, it clears screen dark blue and displays IP addresses acquired from the network along with Red Hat logos. Now you can connect to PS2 using telnet. Try this out from another host: % telnet ps2 9000 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. RedBoot> With this prompt you can start eCos/RedBoot operations on PS2. For the detail, refer the RedBoot User's Guild at: To download and execute the kernel from your server, simply use the following commands. RedBoot> load vmlinux Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flags Align 00 70000000 0013d240 8014c240 8014c240 00000018 00000018 00000004 00000004 01 00000001 00001000 80010000 80010000 00157240 0019a318 00000007 00001000 Entry point is 0x800103a0 RedBoot> exec